Marcel de Ruiter (werkzaam bij de ING) heeft een aardig overzicht gemaakt van dingen die je met social networking kan doen op kantoor:
- Find that expert in (…any work related topic that comes to mind…) when I need them.
- Post questions to my network (for everybody to see of course).
- Locate colleagues interested in the same things as I am (and meet up for lunch!).
- Ask for opinions on a specific route for doing things (e-mail management?).
- Check out and approach the people or manager(s) at my next job position.
- Market myself within the company in the fields I am good at (personal branding).
- Keep my resume and personal information readily available for all and easy to update.
- Check out interesting projects going on (that I may be doing also and so save some time; keep me from re-inventing the wheel).
- Answer questions that actually “find me” because of my profile and network (and be rewarded for my participation!).
- Create communities of people around a specific topic to focus the individual effort and passion.
- Learn about the people around me (who I greet in the hallway but know nothing about).
- Discuss about idea’s, experiences, lessons learned, business process improvements, tools, policies, external developments.
- Being able to put out a few thoughts now and then, tag them and let them go for all to react on, learn from. And of course read your thoughts!
- Be aware of what is going around in the space I am involved with and beyond.
- Quickly learn about the (new) work and colleagues when landing in a new position.
- Find out where people are working with my educational and work experience.
- Want to know what my network knows that I should know.
- Just want to keep my list of contacts (who do approach for what).
- Trace the person who knows that special person who knows about that particular topic.
- Hey, I would even like to post a few photo’s of ING events to share with everyone around here.