Blackboard en Vista?
Blackboard en Vista
Na enige verontrustende berichten in de Amerikaanse pers over de compatibiliteit oa in PC Magazine heeft Blackboard nu bekend gemaakt wat hun eigen ervaringen zijn met de compabiliteit. Volgens Blackboard is het compatible met enkele issues:
ID | In welke release | Beschrijving |
AS-105384 | 6.3, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 | Blackboard Content System folders cannot
be viewed through WebDAV at the
operating system level. Users will receive
an error message. WebDAV folders cannot
be viewed by configuring the connection
through the Blackboard Content System. Users will receive an error message or the folder will display the content but options to work with content items and folders will not appear. Blackboard is working with Microsoft to resolve this issue. |
AS-106046 | 6.3, 7.0, 7.2 | In some instances, the Collaboration Tool opens with greyed out options. |
AS-105981 | 6.3, 7.0 | The attach file option in the Visual Text Box Editor does not function properly. |
AS-105976 | 7.2 | The WebEQ option in the Visual Text Box Editor is not functioning correctly. When the user begins to create an equation, the following message displays: Dropdown menu is not available. |
AS-105388 | 7.2 | When installing the Snapshot Client tools, the tools are created with a file extension of .sh instead of .cmd. |
AS-106088 | 7.1 | The buttons in the Collaboration Tool do not display correctly when using a Firefox 2.0 Browser on the Windows Vista operating system. |
Vooral het probleem met de WebDAV is toch wel vervelend voor de gebruikers. Ik ben benieuwd of het samenwerken met Microsoft nog wat opleverd.
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