For the maturity of Open Education it is important that we get more solid research evidence about the open education and its value for policy maker, instructors, and students. In my previous blog I already mentioned the Open Educuation Group, another… more »
Tag: "oeglobal"
On the last day of the OEGlobal Conference Martijn Ouwehand and I gave a workshop on Open Course Design. This workshop is designed for teachers to help them create a course design in which they use OER. Normally the target audience are teachers that are… more »
An often heard comment is that OpenTextBooks can't be as good as commercial textbooks. At the OE Global Conference John Hilton III presented the result of synthesis of Sixteen OER Studies. John is working for the Open Education Group. The Open Education… more »
On Wednesday 13th of April, I attended a #OEGlobal session in which MIT and OpenUniversity presented their results of many years of Open Education. The general feeling I had over these two presentation was that Open University has a very clear strategy… more »
This week I'm attending the Open Education Global Conference in Krakow. This is the yearly conference of the Open Education Consortium of which I'm member of the Board of Directors (and just got re-elected for 2 years). On the first day I presented… more »
Last week it was Open Education Week. Many people world wide participated in local and online events during the week. We hope it inspired you for Open Education. Next month is the Open Education Global Conference were you learn more about Open Education and join the global movement in Open Education. more »
nieuwe doelgroepen
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Just like last year, a selection of papers of the Open Education Global Conference are published in the ICDE Journal Open Praxis. Open Praxis is a peer-reviewed open access scholarly journal focusing on research and innovation in open, distance and… more »
Yesterday it was my turn to do an action lab on MOOCs. The subtitle was "everything you want to know about MOOCs". For my it was also a good activity to get all our activities together. And it is impressive.
We have 16 MOOCs finished, 4 are running… more »
Yesterday we received three awards at the yearly Open Education Award Ceremony. With these three awards our total comes to 10 awards in the last 4 years. It always is great honour to receive external recognition for the activities of our professors and… more »