The last month and half I have been traveling a lot and busy with our new plans. That means that I'm a little behind on blogging. This blog post is a summary of interesting articles in the last month or so.
Design responses to MOOC completion rates I… more »
Tag: "mooc"
The first two MOOCs of DelftX are about to finish. This is a good moment to publish our MOOC Journeys we have created in the past months to help teachers and course designers with the development of their moocs. more »
John Robertsen posted an interesting presentation about the use of someone else's MOOC in your course. He identifies four different models.
The guest lecture
The reading
The textbook
The distributed flip
Below is his presentation:
Osw M… more »
On the third day of the conference I had to do my own presentation. The title 'Pushing EdX to be Open' I submitted half a year ago, still did the job, the room was filled.
The slides of my presentation are below. As soon as the video is available I wil… more »
The registration has started for two new DelftX courses that start in March and April of 2014.
Aeronautical Engineering
The first course is Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering:
Discover the fascinating world of aviation by investigating aeronaut… more »
William G. Bowen has written an interesting article about online learning in EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 48, no. 5 (September/October 2013). William G. Bowen is President Emeritus of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, President Emeritus of Princeton University,… more »
Wednesday the French Ministry of Higher Education announced the launch of France Universite Numerique (French Digital University), a national MOOC platform which is funded by the ministry.
Over 100 higher education institutions throughout France will p… more »
As part of the OpenEducationEurope portal the European Commission also created an European MOOCs Scoreboard. If I look at the scoreboard I have the idea that 276 European MOOCs are not correct. The number seems to high to me.
For example I looked at my… more »
Alastair Creelman and Linda Renland-Forsman have written an interesting paper on completion rates in online courses:
Statistics are often used to reveal significant differences between online and campus-based education. The existence of online courses… more »
Today EdX and Google announced their partnership:
EdX, the not-for-profit online learning initiative founded by Harvard and MIT, today announced a partnership with Google to jointly develop their open-source learning platform, known as Open EdX. The co… more »