Earlier this week Joshua Kim published a blog about 5 ways online teaching benefits residential learning. His 5 ways are:
A Chance to Rethink What Should Happen In the Physical Classroom
An Opportunity to Introduce Learning Theory and Pedagogical… more »
Tag: "mooc"
Yesterday I attended the presentation of Dan Wagner about MOOCs4D and the new SDGs at the ICDE Conference. Now you think what the heck is he talking about. MOOCs4D is an initiative of University of Pennsylvania about MOOCs for Development, with a… more »
More and more you hear about the term "Open Science". The term refers to developments in how science is becoming more open, accessible, efficient, democratic, and transparent, based on new, digital tools for scientific collaboration, experiments and analysis and which make scientific knowledge more easily accessible both for professionals and the general public. more »
Last week we officially launched the new website for online learning at Delft University of Technology. The website presents all the online courses of the university. This includes our MOOCs, Professional Education and master courses. Design For the… more »
The last couple of days I attended the EDEN15 conference in Barcelona. During a couple of sessions people mentioned alternative acronyms to MOOCs, such as mMOOC, cMOOC, sMOOC, xMOOC. Can we please stop with all these acronyms! It is a MOOC or an Online Course. more »
We started a blog to present the research of TU Delft Online Learning. On the blog we have published our working papers, conference papers and other articles. Please take a look at http://onlinelearningresearch.weblog.tudelft.nl.
Working Papers
We… more »
nieuwe doelgroepen
online learning experience
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It all started with the publication of the report Preparing for the digital university: a review of the history and current state of distance, blended, and online learning (PDF). This report is written by George Siemens, Dragan Gašević, and Shane… more »
On May 26 2015, the Dutch Vereniging voor Onderwijs Research (VOR) organizes a symposium on research on MOOCs. During a number of presentations you will get an overview of current research into MOOCs and during the afternoon you will have the… more »
in the fall of 2013 I published the first version of our DelftX MOOC Journey based on the creation of our first two MOOCs. Now we have finished the delivery of many more MOOCs we have updated the journey. Suprisingly, the journey was mostly still very… more »