Today I saw this post of Lisa Lane about three kinds of MOOCs:
I think the distinction is a good one and can help us all in the defining a MOOC. Although I'm not really convinced yet of the Task-based type. In some of the task-based examples I also s… more »
Tag: "mooc"
Interesting TEDtalk of Daphne Koller. She is professor at Stanford and started Coursera:
Daphne Koller is enticing top universities to put their most intriguing courses online for free -- not just as a service, but as a way to research how people learn… more »
The Open University UK started a serie reports about innovating pedagogy: The series of reports explores new forms of teaching, learning and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. The first… more »
Naar aanleiding van het artikel Massive MOOC Dropouts: Are We Really Okay With That? onderstond er een discussie met Robert en Wilfred over of er wel sprake is van dropouts. Volgens Robert kan er alleen sprake zijn van drop-out bij een formeel systeem:… more »
The website Online Colleges publiced a infographics about Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). It is a nice overview. more »
Ik merk dat een heel aantal termen door elkaar worden gebruikt, zoals OER, OpenCourseWare, Open Education, Online Education. In deze blog probeer ik hier wat duidelijkheid in te scheppen en ook de verschillen aan te geven.
Open Educational Resources (O… more »
While a lot of educationalist are talking about flipping the classroom, is MIT working on 'flipping the funnel'. Last friday Anant Agarwal, founder of MITx/edX, did a presentation at the Unesco OER Congress.
Traditional most American elite universities… more »
Curt Bonk heeft een interessante blog over verschillende type MOOCs. Met de MOOCs die er nu zijn, zie je verschillende doelen, doelgroepen en achterliggende redenen om dit te doen. Hij (samen met Jay Cross) onderscheidt hier verschillende types. Wat… more »
The last two weeks multiple articles were published about what MOOCs are and what they are not. Here an overview:
Debbie Morrisson - MOOC Mythbuster – What MOOCs are and what they aren’t there’s been much speculation, misconceptions, exaggerations an… more »
Due to the introduction of edX and the start of the MOOC of Coursesites quiet a lot of interesting articles have appeared about MOOCs this last week. Here is a selection:
Doug Holton - What’s the “problem” with MOOCs? This article is about improving… more »