The last two weeks multiple articles were published about what MOOCs are and what they are not. Here an overview:
Debbie Morrisson - MOOC Mythbuster – What MOOCs are and what they aren’t there’s been much speculation, misconceptions, exaggerations an… more »
Tag: "edx"
Due to the introduction of edX and the start of the MOOC of Coursesites quiet a lot of interesting articles have appeared about MOOCs this last week. Here is a selection:
Doug Holton - What’s the “problem” with MOOCs? This article is about improving… more »
The announcement from MIT and Harvard caused quiet some stir around the globe. It even was mentioned in the Dutch media. Normally they are not interested in Open Education. A couple of observations and questions I have:
Platform Why do all those Open… more »
Today MIT and Harvard announced a new platform edX. This is a platform for online education:
Harvard University and MIT today announced edX, a transformational new partnership in online education. Through edX, the two institutions will collaborate to e… more »