Salman Khan, the MIT alumnus and founder of Khan Academy, has shared his experience in creating Khan-style videos (KSV) with EdX Consortium through ?appropriately enough? a Khan-style video.
the Khan Academy has created a library of more than 4,000 s… more »
Tag: "edx"
The Chronicle has published the result of an survey among professor who have taught a mooc. They invited 184 professors and 104 reacted to the invitation. Although the findings are not scientific. They say "the most enthusiastic of the MOOC professors w… more »
Moving closer toward its vision of being an open-sourced learning platform, edX on Thursday released its XBlock SDK, the underlying architecture supporting edX course content.
From the start EdX has told that its strategy is focused on open. Last mon… more »
On List EdTech there is an interesting post about the different universities that joined Coursera, EdX, Coursera and FutureLearn. Some interesting information I got from the article:
Coursera has universities from 17 countries, EdX from 5 and FutureL… more »
Today Delft University of Technology announced that we will join the EdX Consortium. more »
This is the 100th blogpost that I publish on this blog in 2012. In this blog an overview of the most populair posts and other statistics.
The blogpost were not nicely distributed over the year. Although I published every month at least 5 posts, Decembe… more »
2012 is the year of the MOOC. Audrey Watters has written an very good overview of MOOCs in 2012. In the last year we got the announcements of new platforms to deliver MOOCs. This week the 12 UK universities announced another new platform.
I made a lis… more »
De afgelopen jaren zijn er vele overnames geweest van LMS-systemen. Het grote voorbeeld hiervan is Blackboard met de overnames van Angel Learning en WebCT. Voor eerst zien wij weer een toename van het aantal home-grown platforms. Dit komt vooral door d… more »
While a lot of educationalist are talking about flipping the classroom, is MIT working on 'flipping the funnel'. Last friday Anant Agarwal, founder of MITx/edX, did a presentation at the Unesco OER Congress.
Traditional most American elite universities… more »
Curt Bonk heeft een interessante blog over verschillende type MOOCs. Met de MOOCs die er nu zijn, zie je verschillende doelen, doelgroepen en achterliggende redenen om dit te doen. Hij (samen met Jay Cross) onderscheidt hier verschillende types. Wat… more »