In March of this year we conducted a survey among the TU Delft students about their mobile phone and usage of it. Due to busy times with Blackboard and OpenCourseWare I still had to finish the processing of the results. Today I finally did ;-)
The most important results are:
- More than 80% of our students use a smart phone. That’s 20% increase in a little more than 1 year.
- HTC is the most popular phone brand, closely followed by Apple
- Android is the most used platform for smart phones, followed by Apple iOS. There is a significant increase of Android and decrease of Windows since 2009
- 22% of the respondents have another mobile device, most popular is the tablet
- More than 60% of respondents access Blackboard on their phone, but you see big difference between the platforms
- iOS-users use more features of their phone, especially listening to music, watching video and social networking
- T-Mobile is the most used provider
- 47% of the respondents have Eduroam (wifi-network on campus) configured on their phone.
- 46% of the iPhone users have installed the iTU Delft app