Working and learning from home
Many of us are forced to work from home due to the Corona virus. For most of us, this is a new experience to do this not just for one day, but for a couple of weeks. For a lot of people their agendas are clearing out and they have some extra time. The perfect time to do some learning from home! Delft University is quickly changing all our campus education to remote teaching and learning. The expertise we build up with the Extension School comes in good use for that, but we continue to run the Extension School as well. So here is a selection of online courses that can help you through the days and weeks ahead.
Your kids
Many of you have to home school your kids. To give them something to do, we relaunched our Scratch MOOCs for kids to learn to programme. We offer this course in Dutch and English. We also offer a teacher (that is you) version of this course in Dutch and English. If your kids are a bit older, we also have a course on pre-university calculus.
Energy Transition
Before this crisis started there was a lot of media attention for the energy transition. If you are interested to learn more about this we have a whole bunch of courses on this topic. From solar energy to electric cars to zero energy design to the economics of energy transition.
Are you more interested in transportation? We have a very interesting programme on railway engineering or more about the future of transportation with the hyperloop.
Sustainable Cities
A big topic in our portfolio is also about sustainable cities. From rethinking the city to treatment of urban sewage and sustainable urban development.
Skills for Engineers
If you are more interested in developing your skills, we have courses on project management, leadership, visualising, design leadership and innovation. Or very practical skill with Unix Tools or Data Analytics in Excel (in Spanish).
Small Business
For small business owners these are extremely difficult times. They might have to redesign their business model to survive this crisis. We have a programme developed to help them with business model innovation.
Open Science
Most research labs are also closed, so this might be a great opportunity to look into Open Science.
The TU Delft Extension School has many courses online that can help you through these difficult times. I hope you find an interesting course in our portfolio on our online learning website. If you are interested in bulk enrolment for your company please contact us.
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