New Job!
This week the Executive Board has appointed me as the new Executive Director of the Delft Extension School per the 1st of January 2020. I’m delighted with this appointment and looking forward to lead the Extension School into a new phase.
Strengthening the foundation of the Extension School
Part of my new role is the transition of the Extension School into a new phase. Together with professor Arno Smets I’m leading a project team to prepare a business and implementation plan for the Extension School. After six years of exponential growth and tremendous success in Open & Online Education for learners worldwide, the foundation of the original setup of the Extension School needs enhancement. In 2021 the Extension School will become a permanent institute of TU Delft to educate the world by offering high-quality online education.
Per January I will combine the new role with my existing role as Manager Teaching & Learning Services until March 1st. From March 1st I will be fulltime focused on my new role as Executive Director.
1 comment
Comment from: Izaak Kijlstra [Visitor]

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