Three weeks to OEGlobal18
In three weeks Open Education Global Conference will be in full swing. That means less than three weeks to get everything organised for the conference from 24-26 April. Here some updates I want to highlight.
It is not to late to join!
You have until the 16th of April to register for the conference to join the more than 300 participants from more than 50 countries. There are also still some seats available for the pre-conference session of TU Delft open and online education.
The full programme is online and this year we have used sched to help you select your programme from the 160 sessions.
To help you select your programme the Dutch Special Interest Group Open Education has made a planner help to select the sessions your are interested in.

I would like to thank our sponsors for the support of the conference. We have 9 sponsors already and more sponsors are welcome to support open education.
Open Education Awards
During the opening reception the open education awards are handed to the winners. The award winners have been announced and most of them will join the conference.
On the 27th of April it is a national holiday in the Netherlands: Kingsday. We are celebrating the birthday of our king. In Delft the celebrations start in the evening of the 26th with the Orange Fever Festival on the central market square. This video gives an impression of last years festival:
You can buy the tickets online. On Tuesday 24 April the tickets can be bought at the conference (pay cash) for €10,- each.
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