New Website TU Delft Online Learning

Last week we officially launched the new website for online learning at Delft University of Technology. The website presents all the online courses of the university. This includes our MOOCs, Professional Education and master courses.
For the website we wanted a little bit more modern design than the current university website. After a selection, the design was made by Richard Straver of Webstudio MM. I'm very satisfied with the design. It follows the current trend of flat design. Not only does the design emphasize the courses, there is also a focus on our lecturers. Each lecturer has his or her own page which shows info about them and the courses they teach. As example the page of Ernst ten Heuvelhof. Nowadays your website is not only accessed with a browser on a pc or laptop, but also on tablet and mobile. So the design is completely responsive and will scale following the width of the screen.
Promo video
We also created a new promo video for TU Delft online learning. The video is featured on the homepage of the website. You can view it here:
An important and difficult part of creating this website was the backend integration with the university administrative systems. Our systems are optimized for tuition-paying students that enroll for a full year on campus. This website is for people who are enrolling in a single course that is taught fully online and have to pay per course.
If you are a little bit familiar with system integration, you can understand that this can be quiet challenging. For now, we do something things manually because we didn't want to wait.
First enrolments
The website was live on Monday end of day and in the first week we already got the first enrolments in. Some of those enrolments we could connect to the newsletter we send out. It is really great that it all works and that the course offering we have is interesting for many people. Take a look at our courses and start learning!
1 comment
Comment from: Robert Schuwer [Visitor]

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