Mapping The European MOOC Territory
Tomorrow I'm participating in the conference "Mapping The European MOOC Territory". This conference is organised by the HOME project. This project is about MOOCs the European way led by EADTU.
This conference will focus on the opportunities and characteristics for European cooperation on MOOCs. Authors of selected position papers will present their views, next to the first results of the survey “Benchmarking MOOC strategies in Europe”.
I'm one of the authors to present my paper I have written with my colleagues Timo Kos and Martijn Ouwehand.
In the paper we have posted two clear recommendations for the European Commission:
1. Don’t try to regulate the MOOC development
The MOOC development is still in an infant stage. Every university is currently looking at what it will mean for them and what consequences it will have. At this moment it is too early to regulate the MOOC world. This is all about innovation! Governments should be de-regulating the education world, so there is more space for innovation and step into the open and online world.
2. Think global, act local
Education is becoming a globalized market. Focusing too much on the European situation will mean that you loose the connection with the rest of the world. So be aware of the global developments and help universities to position themselves in it. So think global, but act local!
Below is our full paper to download.
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