Awards for TU Delft Open Education
Last night was the Awards Ceremony of the OpenCourseWare Open Education Consortium. This year TU Delft was privileged to receive 4 awards.
The first award was a personal award for Anka Mulder. She received the Leadership award for her commitment for open education, TU Delft is now achieving the ideal of open education both in the Netherlands and internationally.
The second award was an outstanding site award for our OpenCourseWare website. Martijn Ouwehand received the award. He is responsible for our website.
The last two awards we received for our first two MOOCs, Solar Energy and Introduction to Water Treatment. On behave of both teachers, Arno Smets and Jules van Lier, I received the awards.
Below are the photos of our awards. More photos of the event, can be found on my flickr page.
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