University profiles of MOOCs
On List EdTech there is an interesting post about the different universities that joined Coursera, EdX, Coursera and FutureLearn. Some interesting information I got from the article:
- Coursera has universities from 17 countries, EdX from 5 and FutureLearn from 1 (UK).
- The average ranking on Times higher Education list is almost equal between Coursera (77) and EdX (80.2). The differences on the other rankings are bigger.
- In the ranking's top 5, only the University of Oxford is not part of any of the platforms.
- There are some universities that joined more than one platform.
- It is very obvious that each platform has hand-picked the participating universities.
A very informative post and you can als click through to see the all the data that generated the graphics.
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Comment from: Justin Menard [Visitor]

Thanks for your comments on my post.
I have a new Comparative Infographic about World University rankings. See
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