Blackboard xpLor
At the Online Educa Berlin I got a preview of the new Blackboard product xpLor. xpLor is a Learning Object Repository in the cloud which is fully integrated in Blackboard Learn, but also in Moodle and Sakai:
Over the past 15 years the Learning Management System has transformed education enabling you to create rich interactive learning materials, effective online assessments, and interactive discussion.
But the LMS can build walls between educators, making it difficult to share content they create or use content other have shared.
XpLor implements modern software standards and removes the restrictions of LMS-based software allowing you to use the same learning materials in various LMS environments wint unprecendented ease.
Blackboard has now made an infographics to explain what xpLor is supposed to do.
The impression I got from the demo is that it is something that can really help the OER movement. It makes it much easier for instructors to share and re-use open content. Especially because they are not only integrating it with Blackboard, but also with Moodle and Sakai.
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