Award for professor Walter Lewin
On Thursday night during the OpenCourseWare Conference Banquet the Awards for OpenCourseWare Excellence were announced:
The Awards for OpenCourseWare Excellence provide annual recognition to outstanding courseware and OpenCourseWare sites created in the OCW Consortium community. They also recognize individual leadership in moving the ideals of OpenCourseWare and Open Educational Resources forward. The awards are announced each year at the global OpenCourseWare Consortium's annual conference.
Steve Carson as chairman of the awards committee handed out the awards to the different winners. I don't have the complete lists of winners, but two of theme I would like to specifically mention here.
Walter Lewin
The award of Excellence went to Walter Lewin. He is a TU Delft alumni. He earned his Ph.D. degree in nuclear physics in 1965 at the Delft University of Technology. He got fames with his physics lectures that were published on MIT OpenCourseWare. He really deserves this award. Below a promo of his video's:
I had the opportunity to talk with him. It was very nice to talk with him, in Dutch offcourse. He also signed his new book For the Love of Physics for me.
Catherine Casserly
Cathy received the Leadership award for her great work she did for the Hewlett Foundation. The Hewlett Foundation has been an early promoter of OER and especially OpenCourseWare. They are a big sponsor of the OCW Consortium. I have met her at different conferences and it is always a joy to talk with her. She is now CEO of Creative Commons.
There were also awards for courses and the OpenUniversiteit won one of the awards for the course Metabolspel.
Below some pictures of the banquet, more pictures can be found here. I also would like to thank KNEXT who sponsored the awards.
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