Conferentie voor 10 jaar OpenCourseWare
Volgend jaar is het 10 jaar geleden dat MIT hun OpenCourseWare lanceerde. Ter gelegenheid hiervan, vindt de jaarlijkse wereldwijde conferenentie van het OpenCourseWare Consortium in Boston (Cambridge officieel) plaats van 4 t/m 6 mei.
De deadline voor het indienen van abstracts voor papers is al deze maand:
The OpenCourseWare Consortium invites session proposals for its 2011 global conference, Celebrating 10 Years of OpenCourseWare. The OpenCourseWare Consortium is a worldwide community of universities and organizations committed to advancing OpenCourseWare and its impact on global education. The OpenCourseWare movement has grown significantly over the last decade; today there are 13,000 courses published by 150 universities.
We encourage submissions for sessions that highlight the impact of OpenCourseWare, summarize research, showcase best practices, discuss issues facing the community, and encourage thinking about the future of “open” learning. In keeping with the theme of the conference, we particularly welcome proposals that integrate accounts of OpenCourseWare's evolution with next steps for the movement.
De conferentie heeft deze keer drie tracks:
- Impact of OpenCourseWare
- Producing OpenCourseWare
- Next Generation "Open" Learning
Meer informatie over de conferentie en het indienen van papers vind je op
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Comment from: Wim Jelgerhuis [Visitor]
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