Course on Mobile Service Innovation
In het nieuwe collegejaar gaat er een nieuw vak lopen op de TU Delft over mobile service innovation:
A next generation of mobile services awaits us that will be intelligent, ubiquitous and adaptive to the user's preferences and context. The introduction of the iPhone, Google's attempts to conquer the mobile market, and the increasing data rates in infrastructures create many new opportunities. It also raises a large range of issues that need to be taken into account when designing these services. Besides technology, other business model issues are important like governance of relations between network operators and content providers.
This course sketches the dynamic context in which mobile services are being designed and engineered today, and teaches students how to design viable services and underlying business models. We start by sketching a future vision on how mobile services can truly add value by being personalized, context-aware and group-centric. Next, we provide basic theoretical building blocks on service and business model design. After that, we provide a broad, multidisciplinary description of the mobile domain, including typical technological, organizational and financial issues and trade-offs. Various guest lectures will be given by leading professionals at operators and service providers.
Ik ben vanuit ICT betrokken bij dit vak en zal ook een college verzorgen over de TU Delft app. Naast mijn gastoptreden zijn er ook gastcolleges van Ben van den Burg (oud-schaatser en tegenwoordig commercieel directeur bij Triple IT) en Fred Herrebout (Strategy manager T-mobile).
In het vak is het de bedoeling dat studenten ook werkelijk wat gaan doen. Het is de bedoeling dat de studenten in een team van 3 van verschillende opleidingen (bv TB, IO en IN) een mock-up maken:
Work in groups of 2-3 students from different faculties. Design a viable and sustainable business model for a specific mobile service offering. The service should have students of the TU Delft as the target group. A clear and concise description of the value adding elements of the service concept should be sent for approval to the instructors before the second lecture. Next, the students should develop a mock-up of a service that could run on the iPhone, Android or other service platforms. Students should present this mock-up in one of the final lectures, during which it will be graded by a jury consisting of lecturers and experts.
De studententeams moeten aan het eind hun resultaat presenteren en het beste team krijgt elk een iPod Touch. Studenten die mee willen doen aan dit keuzevak SPM9613, kunnen meer informatie vinden in de studiegids.
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