Blackboard 8.0 nu officieel beschikbaar
Op 27 december is Blackboard 8.0 officieel beschikbaar gekomen. Ik heb al eerder bericht over de beta die ik heb gezien. Nu is dus ook alle documentatie beschikbaar.
De grootste veranderingen zijn:
- A Smarter Grade Center - Our newly redesigned Gradebook, now called the Blackboard Grade Center™, now enables teachers to focus on teaching, not data entry. Working closely with clients, the Blackboard Grade Center™ focuses on saving time for instructors, flexibility when grading and easy but powerful analysis. Some of the new features are in-cell editing from one central navigation page, grading periods, smart views and progress reports and much more!
- Facilitating Self and Peer Assessments
Self and peer assessment help facilitate student group work for faculty. Created by a client, Self Evaluation enables students to review and grade their own assessments by following criteria set by their instructor. With Peer Evaluation, students can review work submitted by their peers using specific criteria, compare their responses and offer constructive criticism. - Preventing Plagiarism with SafeAssignTM
SafeAssign™, Blackboard's plagiarism prevention service, enables institutions to protect the originality of student work. For institutions licensing the Blackboard Learning System - Enterprise License, SafeAssign is built into Release 8.0 at no extra cost. - Social Learning Network Expands Further with ScholarTM
Blackboard Scholar™ is now integrated into the Blackboard Learning System - Basic License. This innovative social bookmarking feature, available at no additional cost, enables users to access an academic resource-sharing service customized for education. - Managing Digital Content Easily with the Blackboard Content SystemTM - The Blackboard Content System meets the diverse needs of constituents across an institution in a secure fashion--whether the users are students, instructors, librarians or administrators. Enhancements in this release include: Improved Workflows, a new Collaboration Page, Enhanced Metadata, an insightful 360° view page and the ability to reuse content with Reusable Objects.
Ik vind het wel kinderachtig dat je eerst een webinar en quistionnaire moet voltooien, voordat je Blackboard 8.0 mag downloaden.
Voor de E-merge ASP omgeving heb ik inmiddels het verzoek gedaan om deze te upgraden naar Blackboard 8.0.
Comment from: Gerwin Pols [Visitor]

Hoi Willem,
Is het portfoliosysteem ook nog aangepakt? Op het congres van 2007 vertelde men dat er een verbeterde en losstaande pf systeem zou komen. Heb jij hier toevallig al iets van vernomen?
Comment from: willem [Member]

@ Gerwin:
Heb wel verbeteringen zien staan over het portfoliosysteem, maar nog niet naar gekeken.
Comment from: Jonas [Visitor]

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