OAI - Object Reuse and Exchange
Vanuit het Open Archive Initiative is een nieuw initiatief opgestart: Object Reuse and Exchange.
Surf is inmiddels gevraagd om zitting te nemen in de klankbordgroep. Voor meer informatie kijk op de website http://www.openarchives.org/ore/.The goals of ORE are inspired by advances in scholarly communication and the growth of scholarly material that is available in scholarly repositories including institutional repositories, discipline-oriented repositories, dataset warehouses, and online journal repositories. This growth is significant by itself. However, its real importance lies inthe potential for these distributed repositories and their contained objects to act as the foundation of a new digitally-based scholarlycommunication framework. Such a framework would permit fluid reuse,refactoring, and aggregation of scholarly digital objects and their constituent parts - including text, images, data, and software. This framework would include new forms of citation, allow the creation of virtual collections of objects regardless of their location, and facilitate new workflows that add value to scholarly objects by distributed registration, certification, peer review, and preservation services. Although scholarly communication is the motivating application, we imagine that the specifications developed by ORE mayextend to other domains.
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